Recruitment Management System

Odoo's Recruitment Module streamlines and manages the entire recruitment process, from creating job positions to hiring applicants. This module is essential for any organisation looking to efficiently manage their recruitment activities.

Odoo Recruitment Management System

Key Features of Odoo Recruitment Management

Centralised Database

The module acts as a centralised database for all recruitment-related information, storing candidate profiles, resumes, interview notes, and other relevant documents. This eliminates the need for manual paperwork and spreadsheets, making it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to access and track candidate information smoothly.

Website Development

The module automates various recruitment tasks, such as sending automated email notifications to keep candidates informed about their application status, interview schedules, and other updates.

Integration with Other Modules

The module seamlessly integrates with other modules within the Odoo ERP suite, such as the HR module, allowing a smooth transition of candidate data from recruitment to employee onboarding.

Reporting and Analytics

The module provides comprehensive reporting and analytics, enabling recruiters and HR managers to gain valuable insights into the recruitment process.

Interactive Dashboard

The interactive dashboard offers easy tracking and analysis of recruitment activities. This includes filter options to simplify the search process and provide a clear overview of job openings and applications.


The module can be customised to fit specific recruitment processes, including the ability to add custom filters and groupings to find job openings and applications.

Benefits of Odoo Recruitment Management​

Efficient Recruitment Process

Streamline the recruitment process and reduce manual effort.

Improved Communication

Enhance your communication with candidates throughout the recruitment process.

Data-Driven Insights

Gain valuable insights into the recruitment process to optimise strategies.